Speculative Hinterlands Submissions Guidelines

Ellen Howell
The Speculative Hinterlands
1 min readOct 6, 2019


Just e-mail me and I’ll make you a writer on the publication. I currently don’t have any guidelines. Send me a draft link if you wish to do so, and I will edit and review submissions.

This publication is only for speculative fiction; literary fiction is fine so long as it contains speculative elements.

Submissions should be typed in English, and should not have been previously published on Medium (on other platforms I don’t care).

Proofread your submissions, please.


Prose fiction is acceptable, but I prefer rhyming verse and formal poetry.

Short Fiction:

Short fiction should be serialized if over 3000 words.



Ellen Howell
The Speculative Hinterlands

A writer living in St. Louis, writing about philosophy, literature, and politics. Any pronouns used with respect